THM Dairy-free Options for Thyroid Health and Nursing Mamas!

There are many reasons we choose to go dairy free. From ethical reasons to food sensitivities, we are always looking for dairy alternatives.  I’ve noticed a rise in mamas having to cut dairy for a season while nursing their little ones because of digestion issues like reflux and baby acne, poor weight gain. I also have had to do this with several of my babies. Some of the symptoms we have experienced with our littles while consuming dairy and nursing are constipation, baby acne, silent reflux which has been a “huge” deal for baby gaining enough to thrive while nursing. I’ve also had to cut dairy drastically for healing my Hashimotos. So, yes if it means cutting dairy for a season so baby can absorb all the nutrients needed to be happy and thrive and for my thyroid to function properly. I will find dairy alternatives. 

The best approach for eliminating dairy foods involves not cutting them out, but rather crowding them out with superior non-dairy alternatives. Below are some tips for a dairy-free Trim Healthy Mama.


When it comes to milk, almond and coconut milk are the most popular and accessible. Even coffee shops like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts have added these non-dairy nut milks to their menus for their customers. I like to use both almond milk and coconut milk for many things. You can use them in coffees, soups, desserts, etc. Almond milk to me is the milder of the two milks, but make sure to get original unsweetened for certain recipes.


You can make homemade coconut yogurt from canned coconut milk and probiotic capsules. That’s right just 2 ingredients!


  • 1 can full-fat coconut milk
  • 2 probiotic capsules


  1. Open your coconut milk can and scoop out the solid cream. Depending how thick you like your yogurt, add more or none of the coconut water.
  2. Place coconut milk in a clean jar or glass container. Stir the milk to combine, then take your probiotic capsules, open them up and add the contents to the milk (discard the leftover capsule).
  3. With a clean ceramic spoon, stir in the probiotics. Do not use a metal spoon. Cover the jar with a clean cheese cloth or thin dishtowel, tighten with an elastic band and leave to sit on the counter for 24-48 hours (depending how warm your house is). Keep away from direct sunlight.
  4. Our coconut yogurt was ready in about 24 hours. You can give it a taste during the process, to make sure when your yogurt is done – look for the distinctive tangy yogurt taste.
  5. Once done, place a lid on your container and place the yogurt in fridge for a couple of hours to thicken and firm. Keep refrigerated and consume in a couple of days.

****Notes use coconut milk with guar gum as thickener instead of cornstarch.

Why you shouldn’t use metal utensils

when making coconut yogurt

  • Use ceramic, wooden or plastic utensils when stirring in your probiotics, because metal utensil can affect the probiotics in a negative way and your coconut yogurt may not develop. Stirring or whisking the coconut milk with a metal whisk before adding probiotics is fine.

       Nutrition Information

Amount Per Serving: CALORIES: 171.5 TOTAL FAT: 17.7g SATURATED FAT: 15.7g SODIUM: 10.2mg CARBOHYDRATES: 4g FIBER: 0.8g SUGAR: 3.8g PROTEIN: 1.4g

  • Nutrition data is automatically calculated using Nutritionix and may not be accurate
  • This yogurt is obviously an S so if you consume it with carbs over 10gram you will be eating a crossover.


Maybe you know of a on plan dairy free cheese I’m unaware of? If so, comment below. For now, I love using cashew cheese and dairy free queso(recipe coming soon). I am convinced cashew cheese is real cheese. I love it so much and prefer it with a lot of my recipes that call for cheese. Especially macaroni and cheese and dairy free pizza. Mix it into dreamfeilds pasta for an AMAZING S meal. You can also replace it for cheese on pizza.  There are so many recipes floating around the web for cashew cheese, but since you are here I will share the recipe I like to use. Double for bigger families.

1 cup-soaked cashews (at least for 30 minutes)

½ cup nondairy milk or water

1 tsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

Nutritional yeast to taste but not necessary if you’re not a fan. I do personally prefer it.

To Make: soak cashews, then add all the ingredients to your processor. Blend until smooth. If it has a gritty texture, just keep blending til desired consistency.


I use refined coconut oil for our choice of butter alternative. I have used store brands as well as LOUAna brand. It works well for stir fry and as a mix in like macaroni and cheese. Just don’t get unrefined for a butter alternative or your meal will taste like coconut.

Ice Cream

I’m not a huge ice cream eater, but if you like ice cream Trim Healthy Mama has some great dairy free options found in the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook. Tummy Spa Ice Cream pg.361 and Tummy Tucking Ice Cream on pg.363.  Plus, there are a ton of shakes, smoothies, frapes and popsicles to choose from.


Almond milk and coconut milk are not always the best alternatives to creamer when it comes to hot coffee, but for ice coffee yes!! I have learned to drink ice coffee instead of hot coffee when I am choosing dairy free. If cold coffee isn’t your thing, why not try hot tea with collagen? there are many herbal teas with health benefits or how about a dairy free hot chocolate?? You can find Hot dairy free Trimmy’s like chocolate, matcha, chai, vanilla rooibos, creamy ginger and turmeric toddy also in the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook pgs.430-433


The Trim Healthy Mama cook book has plenty of options for puddings and sweet bowls. Try the avo cream pudding pg.341 made from avocados perfect for getting those healthy fats in when building milk supply quality. There’s also Nogurts pg.342-343 coconut milk based with collagen and gelatin. Excellent for healing postpartum plus MCT oil for extra benefits for thyroid health plus milk supply quality.  You may like to try my Superfoods Preggy Pudding Recipe which you can find here or search Preggy Pudding.

The “non-dairy” label doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying rich foods you love. You just need to get creative. I hope these ideas are helpful.

As always- EAT to Live!