What does Whole food mean?

What makes food “whole”? The basic concept is that whole food is unprocessed and unadulterated. White flour, sugar, white rice, most cold cereals, crackers (except on plan), and many packaged foods are processed. On Trim Healthy Mama all these things should be avoided. Instead we should be consuming whole foods like grains (whole grain flours, brown and quinoa); organic or minimally treated fruits and vegetables; wild caught or sustainable farmed seafood; organically raised meats if possible; organic, unprocessed dairy products and free-range eggs if possible. Do your best at this. Not everyone can afford organic this or that, but it should never stop you from consuming whole foods. Whole foods do not contain preservatives, and consequently have a shorter shelf life. Cooking with whole foods means that rather than open a box of mac and cheese mix, we prepare pasta and sauce by hand. Using zoodles (Zucchini), shredded cabbage, spaghetti squash prepared into noodles). Instead of soup mix, we prepare a homemade soup that has far greater nutritive value and is made with fresh veggies, full fat broth or bone broth. Sometimes we need shortcuts so there are things like low carb wraps, dream fields pasta, baked blue corn chips.  These are on plan ,but should really be used for those times you need a short cut or for a fun treat.   Whole foods also mean that you can understand and pronounce every word on a list of ingredients. A loaf of bread should list flour; yeast or starter; salt; water; and sometimes nuts, seeds, whole grains and/or oil. Think Ezekiel 4:9 Life Bread or maybe you are good at sprouting your grains to make a sourdough bread. If you see ingredients with long and complicated names, they are additives, synthetic foods, or fake coloring. These are to be avoided if possible. 

~always eat to live!