Natural Alternative to Baby Formula

Medical Disclaimer! PLEASE READ! By now you know I am not a doctor. That being said, please review my disclaimer below. I am NOT a Licensed Dietitian, a Medical Doctor, or a Fitness Expert. The Purpose of my Blog is to share my experiences with weight loss, fitness, healthy eating, and life in general.  If you are seeking a Professional Opinion or Advice to achieve your personal goals. Please consult a professional. 

For the past 18 years I have had my share of Breastfeeding Struggles. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing for me.  I have always put my Babes to the Breast and prayed my Milk would be in abundance and the baby would thrive.  That wasn’t always the case.  Some of my babies were preemie and if you have had a preemie, you know what goes into feeding and growth spurts, pumping, supplements like fennugreek.  Building a good Milk Supply was always necessary for me,  until Trim Healthy Mama. When I had to supplement feed I would use an organic Powder formula. I thought as a young Mother that I was doing my best for my babies. In realty I was because it was all I knew.      

Baby after baby year after year you learn new things.  So when I started Trim Healthy Mama I because a member of the Nursing Mothers Group on Facebook (which I recommend if you use Facebook).  I would ask a lot of questions to other mothers, asking things like,  “anyone who had issues prior to THM have success nursing this time around?” “What foods did you eat to help bring in your milk supply?” 

When I started THM I was already a Mother of 5, 1 girl and 4 boys. My baby just had major thriving problems , jaundice, and tongue tied.  It was so heart breaking to have to use formula again with Him, but I prayed and wound up using the same thing my other children had used.  So I was pregnant again, my baby was using the organic store bought formula and I was determined to get educated so I could soley nurse the new baby when it arrived.  I had just started THM so I asked lots of questions and got lots of answers like- “Yes! Milk supply increased, and Yes! baby was gaining etc.. etc.. it was just testimony after testimony as to why THM was the best option for Mothers of all ages and seasons.  If your not familiar with THM you can find out more (here). I dabbled around in THM through my pregnancy and learned all the different fuels, how they work, whats best for nursing mothers.  I was making lot of mistakes lol.  Well most of us look at Crossovers as mistakes, but in fact they are on plan.  Those crossovers were helping my milk supply and when (my daughter, our second girl) was born all those avocados I ate daily, helped her gain well enough and steady enough I never had to use formula.  My first baby without using formula yay!    

That wasn’t the only think happening.  I’m not going to give all the glory to THM because I know Yahweh ordains life, but I do feel it has helped me heal in my womb from all the births, scar tissues, cerclages. Because after my first part time THM pregnancy.  I started THM fully and Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. Four NEW BABIES in FOUR YEARS! What a blessing. I had a miscarriage after my daughter and the Father gave me FOUR more babies.  I nursed the first two with no problem, 3 in a row woo hoo!! but when the third one came, it was back to the same thing, needing to supplement.  I do not understand til this day why that happens, but I have learned some new things.  I wish I would have known about in prior Nursing Struggles.  I do know hormones play a big part, and man do I have those.. baby to nursing to baby.. my body has been on a roller coaster ride the last eighteen years with hormones.  Thyroid has alot to do with low milk supply, inefficient nursing, tongue tied, lack of sleep, poor eating, and sometimes its none of those things. Its just not meant to be, and that is ok!  Learn to accept it and move on to a solid solution you have peace about.  

I’m going to share two things that helped me nurse my last 2 babies number nine and number ten with confidence and peace.

I heard about a tinqture that helped a mother with nursing her baby.  I had already taken feeugreek and blessed thistle, mothers milk tea in past postpartum/Nursing years, so supplments werent something new to me, but this particular tincture got my attention because the mother that is a friend on mine was already a mother of 4 and she was having huge success with this tincture. This is the first thing I would try if you are having low milk supply. Its called “Maxi Milk” and it WORKED for me!  It seemed almost within the first 24 hours my milk supply came up. It was Incredible! I loved the cinnamon taste and it just felt so great! you can check out more reviews here to see yourself how amazing it is working for others.

After several months as my daughter got older I needed something else. Now I want to say that the “Maxi Milk” for you may be all you need personally or it may work longer because you are different then me.  We obviously have a different makeup, but we are also on two different paths.  For me I’m certain some of my nursing struggles come from being a busy mom. Of coarse I feed on demand and co-sleep/kangaroo, but stress and business and your mind going going going.  Everything can affect your milk and that was what happened to me.  I had 6 children I was homeschooling, up through the night nursing and just everyday life.  My Milk wasn’t holding up as the baby got older and weight was slowing.  I did NOT want to go back to using store bought formula. I prayed and Yahweh showed me a post where a mother was using goats milk and her baby was thriving! 

I already had an SNS (supplemental nursing system) to use and this is what my husband and I had peace about.  Always pray and make decisions through your practitioner.  Like I said above in my disclaimer, these are my experiences.

I have passed this formula along like she said to do to other nursing mother looking to find something more natural. 

I’m so thankful to Yahweh that he showed me her post this formula has been a huge blessing. 

Both babies nursed /supplemented at each feeding. The scale was climbing again and I was happy I was able to give my babies something nutritious and without added ingredients.  Plus it was affordable.  

We still make this formula up for my now eighteen month old and his older sister that is two. Both babies have had no issues, no constipation, no allergies.  



Goat Milk Formula – 8 oz.

  1. 8 oz. of filtered water
  2. 1 level scoop of full fat Meyenberg goat milk powder (base for protein, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals)
  3. 1 Tbs. organic, raw turbinado sugar or organic real maple syrup or goat milk lactose (carbohydrate) I left this added sugar out of my babies bottles and added more molasses instead.
  4. 1/2 tsp. coconut oil (healthy saturated fat)
  5. 1/2 tsp. avocado oil (healthy monounsaturated fat)
  6. 1/2 tsp. nutritional yeast (B12 + folate)
  7. 1/4th tsp. THM gelatin powder (helps digestion and builds/seals gut)
  8. 1/8th tsp. unsulphured blackstrap molasses (B vits, iron and helps bowels)
Only given in 1 bottle per day
  1. 1/8th tsp. powdered probiotics (healthy gut flora, immunity) – (you can increase dose as baby gets older)
  2. Vit D drops (400 IU) or 1/4th tsp. non-flavored fermented cod liver oil (Vitamin D)
  3. 1/4th tsp. baby multi-vitamin drops if not nursing
  1. I find the best way to make this recipe is doing 32 oz. at a time and using a blender to emulsify the fats. If you want to make 1-8 oz. bottle, here’s how to do it.
  2. Add 4 oz. hot, filtered water to an 8 oz. glass baby bottle. Add all of the ingredients but the goat milk powder and probiotics (probiotics are heat sensitive). Shake. Then add 4 oz. cold water, goat milk powder and probiotics. Shake again.
  1. Store in the refrigerator and only leave it at room temperature for a few hours max.  I store mine in reusable glass jars from spaghetti jars and pickles.

Goats Milk Formula-32oz.

  1. 32 oz. filtered water
  2. 4 level scoops full fat Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder (base for protein, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals)
  3. 1 tsp. THM Gelatin Powder (helps digestion, builds/seals gut)
  4. 4 Tbs. raw, organic turbinado sugar or real maple syrup (carbohydrate)
  5. 1 tsp. unsulphured blackstrap molasses (B vits, iron, helps move bowels)
  6. 2 tsp. avocado oil (healthy monounsaturated fat)
  7. 2 tsp. coconut oil (healthy saturated fat)
  8. 2 tsp. nutritional yeast (B12 + folate)
In 1 bottle per day
  1. 1/4th tsp. powdered probiotics (healthy gut flora, immunity)
  2. Vit. D drops (400 /dy.) or 1/4th tsp. fermented cod liver oil (Vitamin D)
  3. 1/4th tsp. baby vitamin drops if not nursing
  4. Update: You can also add 1/4th tsp. acerola cherry powder (Vitamin C) and/or DHA drops if you want
  1. In a blender, add 3 cups of filtered water and 1 cup hot or boiling filtered water. Add all ingredients except the probiotics, Vit D and baby vits. Blend. Store in a glass mason jar with a BPA-free lid.
  2. Add the probiotics, Vit D and baby vits to 1 bottle per day.
  3. Storage is the same as breast milk: Store in the refrigerator and when pouring a bottle only leave the bottle out at room temperature for a few hours. It should keep for 4-5 days in the refrigerator and some people have had success in freezing it. When taking a large amount with you for the day, bring a mini cooler to keep it from spoiling. Some people like to take the dry ingredients, oils and water separately with them and mix as they go. You will find your groove and what works for you!
  1. *Once baby is drinking 32 oz. in one day, you can add the Vit D and baby vits to the blender and stir in the probiotics and store it all in a 32 oz. mason jar because the baby will use all the milk within 1 day. Also, if your blender mix happens to be too hot, wait until it cools to add the probiotics, they are live bacteria that are temperature sensitive and are destroyed by heat.

The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.