Tag: hashimotos

Selenium Foods
Breakfast, Dairy free, Dinner, Hashimotos, Lunch, Plant based THM, Snacks

Super-Selenium and 14 foods to help lower your thyroid antibodies!

Your thyroid has the highest concentration of selenium in your body . Selenium helps convert T4 into T3. If your missing selenium, your production of T3 will be low — causing TSH to rise and forcing your thyroid gland to produce more T4. Then you will have more free radicals damaging your thyroid gland, and since your selenium […]

Potatoe Nightshade
Hashimotos, Uncategorized

NIGHTSHADES and Inflammation

About nine years ago I had several tests run to figure out what was causing me to not feel myself . I was first diagnosed with Hypo thyroid . It seemed like they found the reason since I matched all of the symptoms , but after starting the protocol, I still wasn’t feeling myself. In […]

Natural Living, Resources, Uncategorized

Natural Living

Natural Living may look different depending on who you are. Through the years there are some things I have found work for my family. We are not a hundred percent perfect. We still own some plastic toys and bowls /cups, we have a large family, but I am always gradually replacing things little by little.  […]

Breakfast, Dairy free, Dinner, Lunch, Plant based THM, Preg/Nursing, Snacks, Uncategorized

YES “you can” do THM as a Vegetarian!

I love eating Plant based meals. They help me feel balanced. When you base your meals on plant foods, you’re packing your diet with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.  Plant-based diets are also full of phytochemicals, compounds that help keep your body’s systems running smoothly ;).  Berries, carrots and cantaloupe help protect vision; Brussels […]