YES “you can” do THM as a Vegetarian!

I love eating Plant based meals. They help me feel balanced. When you base your meals on plant foods, you’re packing your diet with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.  Plant-based diets are also full of phytochemicals, compounds that help keep your body’s systems running smoothly ;).  Berries, carrots and cantaloupe help protect vision; Brussels sprouts neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage; and Apples help control inflammation.

Easy steps to start including more plant foods in your eating and cutting back meat:

  1. Up your vegetable and fruit intake. Even if you don’t actively cut back on meat, adding more produce will help you develop a taste for plant foods and transition to a higher-fiber diet.  Try including vegetables at every meal and snack.
  2. Redesign your plate. Fill at least half of your plate with produce, grains, or beans, and downsize your meat serving. example; stir-fry heavy on the veggies and grains with thinly sliced strips of beef rather than a big steak with a spear of broccoli. Swap in chopped mushrooms or chickpeas for half of the ground meat you’d normally use in meatloaf, tacos, chili, or pasta sauce. Or try veggie-based dishes like burritos (make sure to use a on plan wrap or make some on plan wonder wraps. (recipe here) *if you are healing your thyroid , the wonder wraps are a better option.. also if your nightshade free leave out the hot sauce.
  3. Pick the healthier meats. You might want to focus on decreasing the amount of processed meat you eat—bacon, deli meats, hot dogs, and sausage.  These are all on plan. I also choose to consume these once in a while but don’t make a habit of it. Eat more chicken, meat, fish that are not processed. 

Here are some plant based meals I consume regularly. Hope you find ways to start including more vegetables in your every day eating. ***note I am currently consuming collagen for healing my thyroid, this isn’t for everyone and I understand that, but its where i am at the present. If you choose to not consume anything like eggs, cheese, collagen, simply just leave those things out 🙂 

My Favorite Cobbler Oats (recipe here) basically oats, berries, toppings. THM-E

Peaches & Cream, oats, sweetener, cinnamon, few peaches. THM-E

Blueberry Oats, same recipe as cobbler oats just use blueberries. THM-E

Peanut Butter Banana Oats with Cinnamon. Oats, sweetener, banana, cinnamon. THM-XO

Sweat Pants Oatmeal with Apples (recipe here) THM-E

Another Bowl of Cobbler Oats with Peanut Butter and Walnuts. THM-XO

Pumpkin Oats, oats, canned pumpkin, vanilla, cinnamon, sweetener, topped with blueberries and seeds. THM-XO

Quiche with side of Greens-THM-S

Eggs on Ezekiel 4:9 Life Bread with Mayo and Veggies THM-S helper 

Night-Shade Free Quiche, eggs, little ground turkey, spinach, Italian seasonings. THM-S

Eggs & Avocado, Kale +cilantro for cleansing. THM-S

Eggs, Squash, side of blueberries THM-S

Eggs with Stir-fry Vegetable THM-S

More Quiche with tons of veggies and small Sweet potato THM-Shelper

Slow cooked blackbeans, greens, avocado THM-XO

Black eyed Peas with Sweet Potato THM-E

Dairy-free Cheesy Broccoli Rice with Red Beans, Rice, Broccoli, Red beans, Cashew Cheese THM-XO

Vegetarian Stir-fry, Brown rice, mixed veggies, Garbanzo beans. drizzle liquid aminos, make sure to use 1 tsp oil to keep in a THM-E 

Vegetable Soup, lots vegetables, vegetable broth beans. THM-E (leave tomatoes out for night-shade free)

Red Beans, Acorn Squash&Greens THM-E

Bean Burger (recipe) & Side Salad THM-XO 

Mixed Veggie Salad with Cashew Cheese..leave out carrots and add 1/4 cup  beans to make this a THM-S helper

Rice, Roasted Garbanzo Beans, Green Beans (corn sprinkled for color in picture) THM-E leave out salsa for night-shade free

Slow Cooked Field Peas in Broth/ added 1 scoop collagen for extra protein. THM-E

Coconut Island Lentil Stew THM-XO I LOVE THIS SOUP!!!!! 

Night-shade Free Vegetable Soup/ Ezekiel 4:9 Life Bread THM-E (used a small amount of rice noodles)

Green Spinach Salad with Dijon Honey Mustard /just Dijon/apple cider/olive oil a little honey/sprinkle of sunflower seeds THM-XO

Pan Bread THM-E or XO (E if you use egg whites/crossover if you use the whole egg) Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook pg 202

Buttered Ezekiel 4:9 with on plan jelly THM-XO

Fruit Cake Donuts (oats,dried fruits, milk,natural sugars)THM-E get recipe (here)

Perfect “Natural Pink” Lemonade (Recipe here) THM-FP 

Perfect Lemonade Same Recipe minus “beet root powder” THM-FP

Apple Smoothie (1/2 banana frozen, apple, cinnamon, almond milk,) add sweetner if you want sweeter.. also could add 1/2 scoop collagen) THM-E

MY FAV GREEN SMOOTHIE (recipe on my Instagram feed)1/2 frozen banana,celery,kale,spinach,mango,1 date, water, ice, add collagen or protein powder (1/2 scoop) THM-E 

Blueberry Smoothie – Almond Milk/ Blueberries/Peanut butter/collagen/1/2 banana.THM-XO

Good Girl Moonshine! Jolly Rancher Watermelon THM-E.. (recipe on my Instagram feed)

Water! haha yes 1/2 your body weight or more. I almost always put lemon in my water for cleansing my liver. THM-FP

Dairy-free Ice Coffee Just coffee and Cream I do not use sweetener in my coffee I use (this creamer)

Cinnamon Chocolate Milk -Almond Milk, Cinnamon,1 tbsp cocoa, 1 Doonk, 1/2 scoop collagen or protein powder of choice ..THM-FP

Bullet Proof Coffee- coffee, MCT oil, Collagen

Scrambled Eggs / Green Smoothie THM-XO

Preggy Pudding (recipe here

Dairy-free Low Carb Tortilla Pizza (recipe) -if you are nightshade free use the “no matta” sauce and leave off the peppers. THM-S

Mock Chicken Salad (recipe) on Ezekiel 4:9 Life Bread THM-XO

Dairy-free Cheesy Noodles, Rice noodles, Cashew cheese, peas. THM-XO

Let your Heart Beet Strawberry Smoothie(recipe) THM-FP

Beans in Broth/THM-E

Apple with PB/Honey THM-E keep your nut butter at 1tsp. and only few drips of honey a drizzle maybe.

Pomegranate & Clementines always have a few nuts or a protein shake, or low fat cheese like string or laughing cow with your fruit. THM-E 

Banana & Cashews THM-XO

2 ingredient cookies , oats and banana + chocolate chips recipe here – THM-E with just banana and oats, any add in make sure you adjust your fuel source.